As most of us are aware of, change is the only constant thing in this world. The things that used to exist soon struggled to survive and only a very few remained while at the same time, new stuff started to appear. Over the past hundreds of years of existence, humans, the same as everything else in this universe, never stopped developing and learning. The things that used to be so difficult to do became easier and easier as time goes on due to different technologies we have come up with.
Unlike before when everything is done manually by humans, most of the tasks are now being completed automatically by machines, computers, software, and application. An IT business solution or apps is just one great example of the kind of technology that has helped businesses, organizations, and us workers to do our tasks in a far easier way.
What is an IT Enterprise Solution?
Even though there is a lot of IT enterprise solutions in the Philippines, most of us might still not be aware of what it is exactly. There are actually so many ways to define what an IT enterprise solution is but generally speaking, it is an integration of a number of different applications, protocols, and formats and could be a combination of both hardware and software carefully created to meet the demands and solve practical problems and technical issues of different types of companies and organizations.
As you can see, an enterprise has more comprehensive demands for availability, compatibility, reliability, scalability, performance, and security of their systems compared to consumers and small companies. Though regardless of the company’s size, IT solutions were created to make it possible for businesses to perform critical tasks such as (but not limited to) distributing information all throughout the company, saving data, and providing managers with real-time reports of operations. It is best, however, utilized by large companies with 500 computer networks.
Types of Enterprise Systems/Solutions and What it Does?
Since companies differ from one another, each has their own demands and various reasons for getting enterprise systems. It could be because they want to provide access to integrated business knowledge and increase the productivity of their employees, to consolidate data and have it analyzed in the most convenient way possible, or to simply minimize the efforts of workers who take care of the company. Listed below are the three types of enterprise systems that every company can take advantage of.
Customer Relationship Management
The main purpose of Customer Relations Management (CRM) system is to increase the company’s sales by managing consumers in the most efficient way. This system records what the customer wants and how this behavior involved with buying is addressed in a systematic way. Basically, any details about customers can be recorded in this system and can be made accessible to anyone else in the company. With the customer’s consent, these details may include personal contact information, gender, address, as well as buying history, complaints, and even returns. For example, in a cafe that has different branches all over the world, the CRM system can record and recognize what their regular customers always order, their favorite flavors, toppings, and the likes. This system can sort all these data which allows the manager to identify their best seller (could be based on location or in general), what works and what does not, and many more. CRM allows employees from other locations to access, update, and compare these data which can help the company enhance its existing products and services and create new ones based on their customer’s feedback and buying behavior. Some CRM systems are also able to send emails and text messages which can considerably help the marketing team in disseminating information.
Supply Chain Management
A supply chain is the collection of people, tasks, equipment, data, and other resources needed to build and transfer products from a company to its customers. Its most common activities include the sourcing of materials from trusted suppliers, production of goods, development of the products, and the likes. Now, managing a supply chain is not that easy as efficiency is so vital in doing such. Supply Chain Management (CSM) Systems are created to take care of it, avoiding errors and allowing companies to provide products to their customers in a faster way. Because of CSM systems, the supply chain’s daily activities can now be done and monitored automatically, preventing problems such as running out of raw materials since the system can determine when it is time to order some from your suppliers. CSM systems are also able to track where the products are, making it possible for you to see if something is wrong, or if it takes too much time. These features allow you to provide updates to customers and set their expectations efficiently.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
The enterprise resource planning system is a combined software application of sales, financial transactions, human resources activities, and inventory management systems. ERP systems made communication and sharing of data from one channel to another possible, making it easier and faster for different channels to perform their tasks accurately. Let us use a company that sells bags without an ERP system as an example. If the sales team landed a client, they would have to contact their accounting department and relay the new client’s information and order. The accounting team would then see if the new client is qualified and the orders are approved which would then require them to call the sales department again. Then someone would have to coordinate with the production team and see if the orders can already be processed or if it will take them a few days to have it completed. All these transactions involve communication from each department and the client until the order is fulfilled. Using an enterprise system, however, can take care of these tasks automatically which speeds up the process and reduces human error.
Selecting the right enterprise system can hugely improve the company’s productivity, increase sales, and make management decisions much more effective while decreasing its expenses at the same time. IT enterprise solutions are such a big advantage especially if you have competitors who are already using such. If you would like to know further what this system can do to improve your business operations, do not hesitate to contact Inaveit Systems Technologies Incorporated and talk to them about your business needs.